Aromatherapy Inhaler - Made with the Finest Essential Oils

Aromatherapy Inhaler - Made with the Finest Essential Oils
At 865 Candle Company, we are all about tantalizing your senses with all of the smells! We are happy to introduce you to our small batch line of 100% Certified Pure Essential Oil Inhalers.
Whether you are looking for a little extra kick of relaxation, some headache relief, or a pick me up to get through your Monday morning blues, we may just have something right for you. Below you’ll find our collection with the combination of Essential Oils you’ll find in each 865 Aromatherapy Inhaler.
Open Me Up - Eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, and lemon.
Uplift - Rosemary, lemon, and peppermint.
Headache Relief - Lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus.
Cool Me Down - Spearmint, lavender, and peppermint.
Stress Less - Lavender, lime and spearmint.
Please note: All inhalers are shrink wrapped so just twist at the bottom to break the seal and ENJOY!